Chapter 7: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 7: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 7

  1. What are the 11 basics?
  2. What three things must happen to attain and maintain good health & Where do we get these from?
  3. Dr. Jensen said what regarding what we eat?
  4. Meal time should be what type of occasion?
  5. Where does digestion begin?
  6. Food should be what state or consistency before you swallow it?
  7. Drinking liquids with meals does ___________________ in your stomach and is a sign of __________________?
  8. Beverages should be what temperature when you drink them?
  9. How much saliva can your body produce per meal?
  10. What did John Christopher say regarding food?
  11. Food is used by the body for four main things?
  12. The stomach is where food is primarily____________?
  13. When we eat starches, the body produces____________?
  14. When we eat meat, the stomach produces_____________?
  15. a. What can literally burn the duodenum wall? b. This can develop into three things, what are they?
  16. When we use prescriptions or over the counter remedies to correct an ulcer, what two things happen?
  17. When fats or oils are present, the liver signals which organ to contribute what to the digestive process?
  18. The Pancreas contributes two substances to the digestive process, what are they?
  19. The liquefied food released into the Small Intestine is called?
  20. The small intestines primary job is to___________?
  21. a. At the end of the small intestine, there is a valve called the ________? b. If this valve gets stuck open, what can happen? c. This will begin what process?
  22. What functions of the appendix contribute to a properly functioning colon?
  23. What serious illness can develop if the appendix ruptures and is not handled quickly? 
  24. When do most appendicitis attacks tend to occur?

**Bonus Question:  Food travels through how any areas of the body?

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