Book Study: Week 1

We are excited for the upcoming book study that begins next Monday, February 12, 2018 from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm. Dr. Dan, Author of “The Ultimate Healing System” will be personally leading this book study. We have limited seats, if you would like to join us in the clinic, we ask that each week you reserve your seat by calling our office at 307-634-2464. Currently, we only have 1 seat left for Monday, February 12th but we currently have seats available for the following weeks.
We will be posting some of the discussion questions ahead of time if you would like to re-read the chapter of the week and review the questions. We also encourage you to bring any questions you have regarding the chapter of the week. Our week 1 discussion will cover the Preface and Chapter 1. Here are some of the questions we will discuss in week 1:
What are the two things you should acquire from this study?
What is the exception to incurable illnesses?
Where does modern medicine really shine?
The evaluations used are designed to do two things, what are they?
Naturopathy philosophy is supported by what 7 pillars?
We have limited seats and if you would like to join us at the clinic each week, we ask that you reserve your seat by calling our office at 307-634-2464. We will also be broadcasting LIVE on our Facebook page Click Here
We look forward to seeing you there!