Complete this sentence: “If you desire good health__________________________”
At around 35, certain genetic weaknesses can begin to manifest which are the result of diet and lifestyle. What they are called?
If you eat the Standard American Diet, you are ______________.
Most over the counter calcium supplements are made from________________.
What three things do vitamins do for us?
Without proper mineral presence, the vitamins will not___________________?
Gray hair is a sign of a ______________ mineral deficiency?
With proper mineral uptake, you may see an improvement in hair color after how long?
How many trace minerals will healthy soil have in it for growing nutritious food?
Do not make the mistake of confusing calories with _____________________?
Dark green leafy veggies (raw and uncooked) as well as whole organic fruits help you maintain a ____________________?
The most nutrient rich, all-natural, bio-available, almost predigested, with no synthetic ingredients is called______________________?
The most important, first cleanse used in our clinic is____________________?
Two things position 80% of our clients to get totally well, what are they?
The right colon cleanse consists of what two primary components?
After initial cleansing, how often should you perform a colon cleanse?
Should a person who has had their gallbladder removed complete a liver gallbladder flush?
What can be created when the liver is sick, weak and overloaded with toxins?
Every person we have seen that was diagnosed with cancer has a toxic, congested ____________________?
a. Kidney bladder flushes promote normal function, by increasing ____________ and destroying _______________? b. The kidney bladder flush drink can also help ______________ and ______________?
What other additional natural protocols can be used?
In the long term promotion of natural health, what two things stand out as musts?
“How long will it take” is a very common question. My answer is always the same. You have worked diligently to create the health you have, so in order to rebuild and repair, it takes a minimum of _________________?
After starting the initial Program of Care, you will see positive differences in _____________days?