Chapter 13 Book Study

Thank you for joining our Book Study. This week we discussed Chapter 13 and you can watch the replay here:
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Next week we will cover Chapter 14 and discuss the following questions:
- What is Color and Sound therapy referred to as?
- Color serves to support your vital life force by supplying what?
- Color therapy eye water comes in seven individual rainbow colors, what are they?
- There are 2 additional colors, which are?
- Color is nothing more than what?
- Once you stop wearing a certain color, you are no longer effected by it?
- Your eyes convert light, (or color) into what?
- Color enters your eyes, each?
- This causes, (What and what) changes to occur?
- You will choose a color which corresponds to the area of the (what) or (what) you need to work on?
- Color is what?
- The word _______ is found in ancient Sanskrit writings?
- Chakra’s are directly related on the physical level to the?
- Each of the 7 Main chakra’s respond to?
- Aqua corresponds to the?
- Magenta supports what?
- Violet corresponds to primarily the upper what function?
- Indigo corresponds to which gland?
- Blue corresponds to what 5 physical areas in the body?
- Green primarily corresponds to what area on the body?
- Does yellow correspond to personal power?
- Orange has a complimentary color, what is it?
- Does Red correspond to Legs/Survival/Grounded and Courageous?
- Bio sonic Re-patterning is a technical term for?
- When we listen to the sound of tuning forks, our nervous system?
- During the listening process, our physical body will actually?
- An Anechoic chamber is a completely sound proof room resembling a what?
- John Cage heard how many sounds while in the chamber?
- These sounds represented to physical areas of the body, what were they?
- Tuning into the sounds of the nervous system is called what?
- Sound is a condensed form of?
- Sound works directly on the nervous system according to?
- The entire existence of wind, water and animals is like a great?
- What type of wall have we created that stands in the way of this music?
- The only illusion human kind has a drop of is the?
- There is a unique relationship between color and sound. The seven listed are what?