Chapter 16-17 Book Study

Thank you for joining our book study. This week we discussed Chapter 16-17 and you can catch the replay here:
If you would like to join our next book study please call our office to reserve your spot at 307-634-2464. We meet Monday’s from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. We also air LIVE on our Facebook page here
We will not have a book study next Monday due to Memorial day. Our final book study on Chapter 18 will be Monday, June 4th and we will review the following questions:
- Although we reference 18 Steps, we have seen miracles with as few as?
- Restoration of health is a what?
- Upon observation, people realize a domino effect has been in place long before the person notices the loss of their what?
- What are the two primary factors to losing health?
- Nutritional Deficiency diseases will manifest in literally, (blank) of ways?
- Please do not be faked out by the absence of symptoms equating to real?
- Complete this sentence, Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of______________?
- You must have the answer to the following 3 questions or you do not have a solution, what are the 3 questions?
- Kinesiology allows us to do things in proper sequence by?
- It assumes us that we are using the right 3 things, what are they?
- We apply Nutritional Therapy described by the following 2 words, what are they?
- It makes no sense to send a carpenter where?
- When your home is on fire, you send in the?
- After 6 to 12 weeks, we see the need for, (blank) diminish?
- The ability to use (blank) begins?
- Once the fires have been handled, you can use Nutrition to promote what?
- There are 4 primary puzzle pieces to the Total Wellness Puzzle, what are they?
- What are the top 4 questions we ask every visit?
- Principle 6 is summed up in 1 word that is King, what is it?
- As a client, each visit you should be posing more?
- We do this because the more people understand WHY they are doing WHAT they are doing, the better the what is?
- We request food logs for a minimum of how long?
- Dr. John Christopher said what?
- Most dietary habits are changed over the course of how long?
- We provide (blank) to (blank) educational opportunities each month?
- We encourage the client to revisit how they are feeling now in comparison to when?
- We have found from our experience repeating these steps over and over is how we support the clients what?