Concerns related to Nutritional Deficiencies
We greatly underestimate the impact foods we eat can have on us. The following is only a partial list of the concerns that are related to Nutritional Deficiencies:
The good news is that we can make a very positive impact on our health by making simple adjustments to our diet.
-Ankle Swelling
-Back Pain
-Blood Pressure
-Bronchial Concerns
-Poor Circulation
-Spastic Colon
-Chronic Cough
-Chronic Fatigue
-Cold or Burning Feet
-Feminine Problems
-Gall Bladder Disorders
-Glandular Troubles
-Heart (Fast or Nervous)
-Joint Pain
-Kidney Problems
-Knee Pains
-Pains, Cramps, Tingling, Numbness, etc…
-Liver Problems
-Sinus Trouble
-Throat (Sore, Hoarse, Congested)
-Yeast Infections