“Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains*

“Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains*

“Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains*

Potatoes: The common potato sources include baked, mashed, scalloped, chips, fries, knishes, pierogis, plus potato water in breads, biscuits, matzo, soups and stews and vodka. Beware that potato is also included in these ingredients: hydrolyzed vegetable protein, modified vegetable protein (MVP), or modified food starch hidden in packaged meats, cold cuts and seafood’s and other processed foods. Sweet potatoes are O.K. (a different family).

Tomatoes: and their sauces (like barbecue and brown sauces), seasonings, condiments like ketchup and steak sauce, prepared meats (like meatloaf), baked beans, gravies, and salad dressings containing them.

Peppers include red, green, orange, yellow, jalapeno, chili, cayenne, curry, pimentos, and paprika. These are hidden in salads, cold cuts, pastas, sausage and deli meats, olives, Tabasco, Worcestershire, steak sauce, coloring on nuts and fish, seasoning mixes, crackers, dips and spreads; black and white pepper are O.K.

“Spices” If the word “Spices” or “natural flavorings” appear in the ingredients list, I cannot have it. These are hidden sources and nearly always in commercial salad dressings, mayonnaise, mustard, condiments, sauces, prepared (frozen) entrees, and soups; they could contain paprika, crushed red pepper, ground red pepper, cayenne, chili, curry; All other specified spices are O.K. (like black pepper (again not in the same family), garlic, ginger, basil, rosemary and more).

Also avoid eggplant and tobacco, as well as soy products, since Monsanto is genetically modifying 80% of the soy with the petunia gene (a nightshade)

What’s left?
Flaxseed & olive oils, vegetables, including sweet potatoes (a different botanical family) and many other spices like black pepper (again not in the same family), garlic, ginger, basil, rosemary and more. All fresh unprocessed meats, fowl and seafood’s, wines and fruits, nuts, beans, cheeses, grains and herbs are not in the “Nightshade family.”

*Rogers, Sherry A., M.D., “Pain Free in 6 Weeks” pg. 33, 284-Sarasota, FL 2011

2 responses to ““Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains*”

  1. Sharol Nickal says:

    Do night shades affect digestion? My husband had 98% of large intestine removed. Everything goes straight through as liquid. Triple by-pass on heart. HARD to find food to eat that doesn’t effect each of these. He is doing fine but neither of us are not eating healthy .

    • Becca Harrison says:

      Hi Sharol, Thank you for your comment. That is a great question. We would like to invite you and your husband to attend our Complimentary Introductory Class that we hold the first and third Tuesday of every month. At this class you can meet our clinicians, get answers to your questions and learn more about what we do. After attending this class you also get your first two visits free to see if we are a good fit. Please call our office at 307-634-2464 to reserve your seat for this Introductory Class. Thank you.

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