Chapter 2 Book Study: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 2 Book Study: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System
  1. What two things seem to be confusing about natural medicine? 
  2. What can be the biggest drawback with a CAM Practitioner? 
  3. A CAM Practitioner will revert back to what approach if they can’t get natural to work?
  4. What is the main reason people look for Natural Practitioners? 
  5. What other reasons drive people to natural practitioners? 
  6. Can we really blame the medical doctor for the lack in quality of care? 
  7. What other challenges do MD’s face in providing better care? 
  8. What report suggest that chronic care of your illness has nothing to do with positioning you to restore your health?  
  9. At this point in your journey, what seven factors are most important to your good health? 
  10. What stress did our ancestors NOT have to deal with? 
  11. What’s more important, Quality of Life or Length of Life? 

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