

Nature has blessed us with certain foods and herbs so nutritionally potent, concentrated and complete we call them super foods. They are nature’s blood transfusion to the human body. Nature’s nutrition is COMPLETE nutrition. Herbal Perfect Super Food was originally designed for our most challenged clients…anemic with raging diseases…those who could not digest or retain any nutrition. However, we quickly found healthy clients were asking […]

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Wonderful people and fun office!

Wonderful people and fun office!

Going to the Country Doctor has been a great experience. Dan and all of his staff show concern and care every week you are there. They have helped us physically along with being very upbeat and positive about our health and future. They teach you how to live a healthier life with natural foods and herbs. Wonderful people and fun office!! -MS  

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Lymph Cleanse

Lymph Cleanse

We recommend our clients follow the Calendar of Cleanses and next week on August 18 is when the Lymph Cleanse begins. Did you know you have over 40 pints of Lymphatic fluid are in your body? This Lymphatic System makes up about 80% of your immunity. With HP Lymph and HP Detox used as directed on a regular basis, you will maximize normal function of […]

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Self Examination for Fungus

SELF EXAMINATION FOR FUNGUS The following method of self-examination for systemic fungus, a tremendous breakthrough in detecting precursors that can lead to cancer 2 years before a tumor is formed:  Take the first morning urine in a clear plastic cup, (not Styrofoam).  Cover it with one layer of toilet paper and place it in a dark place.  In the evening set the cup in your […]

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I’m able to enjoy being outside….

I’m able to enjoy being outside….

“Before having Dan desensitize my allergies I was was taking an over the counter allergy pill everyday. It was very hard on my body, made me feel very run down, was only making my allergies tolerable, and they are very expensive. If I forgot my allergy pill I would have horrible allergies especially if I was outdoors for any length of time or had the […]

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RECIPE ALERT: Dan’s Superfood Smoothie

RECIPE ALERT: Dan’s Superfood Smoothie

Dan’s Superfood Smoothie Ingredients: 6 oz water 6 oz Pomegranate Blueberry Juice 1/2 Avocado 1/2 Fuji Apple 3 Handfuls of Organic Green Mix 1/3 Tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper 2 Tablespoons Superfood Mix   Directions: Mix all Ingredients in a Strong Blender until Liquefied Swish first drink in mouth for 20-30 seconds to prepare stomach

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Where to start??

Where to start??

Where to start?? Country doctor has changed my life! I have rheumatoid arthritis; it is greatly improved. Menopause, far fewer hot flashes, anxiety attacks etc, and I’ve lost 15 of the 30lbs related to it!! The yeast imbalance that has caused all sorts of problems including a rash I’ve had for 10yrs! Is GONE!! I went to doctors, tried to figure it out myself..its gone […]

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What is Nutritional Kinesiology?

What is Nutritional Kinesiology?

Welcome to Nutritional Kinesiology   Most of our new clients have been referred to us by other satisfied clients. You yourself probably heard about us from someone who is very happy with their results. However you heard about us, you need to know about “Nutritional Kinesiology”. What is Nutritional Kinesiology?   Nutritional Kinesiology is very precise and scientific.  However, if I were to evaluate you using […]

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RECIPE: Homemade Ketchup

RECIPE: Homemade Ketchup

Home Made Quick Ketchup by Cooking with Ryan Uncut Ingredients 12-14 ounces Tomato Paste 1/5 cup Raw Local Honey (If you like it sweet) 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar 2 tablespoons of Onion Powder 1 teaspoon of Unrefined Sea Salt 2-3 Table Spoons of Water Instructions 1. Place all ingredients in a small pot/pan and whisk together. 2. Place on the stove and bring […]

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Concerns related to Nutritional Deficiencies

We greatly underestimate the impact foods we eat can have on us.  The following is only a partial list of the concerns that are related to Nutritional Deficiencies: The good news is that we can make a very positive impact on our health by making simple adjustments to our diet. -Allergies -Ankle Swelling -Arthritis -Back Pain -Blood Pressure -Bronchial Concerns -Poor Circulation -Colitis -Spastic Colon […]

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