My Digestion is Much Better!

My Digestion is Much Better!

My health prior to coming to coming to the Country Doctor Nutritional Center was horrible! I had severe stomach/digestive issues and severe insomnia. My acid reflux was bad. I sounded like I had a cold because my throat was often hoarse. My digestion is much better! No more acid reflux and my throat is not hoarse anymore. My sleep is better, and I can stay […]

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Chapter 4: Your Guide to the Ultimate healing System

Chapter 4: Your Guide to the Ultimate healing System

What is most important, especially during our senior years? a. What commonalities exist among the longest lived cultures in the world? b. What four tribes are mentioned? Who believed that there is no biological reason for a human being not to reach the age of 150 years? Dr. Carrel is best known for what experiment? How long does a chicken normally live? Who said, “Getting […]

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Chapter 3: Your Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 3: Your Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Where does the list of top 10 causes of death come from? Eight out of ten of the top causes of death are directly related to? Which top 10 killer has its own vaccine? Is heart disease genetic? What is the influencing factor from your family regarding heart disease? What foods are not conducive to a healthy heart? a. What can food allergies do to […]

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I Was Giving Up.

I Was Giving Up.

I was giving up. I was in too much pain and felt sick all the time. Since coming here I don’t feel sick to my stomach. With the Bee Pollen, pain that I’ve had in my legs for twenty years is now gone. -Diana S.

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Chapter 18: Your Guide to the Ultimate Healing System.

Chapter 18: Your Guide to the Ultimate Healing System.

Although we reference 18 Steps, we have seen miracles with as few as how many steps? Restoration of health is a _____________, not an _________________? Upon observation, people realize a domino effect has been in place long before the person notices the loss of their __________________? What are the two primary factors to losing health? Nutritional Deficiency diseases will manifest in how many different ways? […]

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Chapter 16: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System.

Chapter 16: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System.

The Basic Foundation Program has how many cleanses to follow? How much weight have people lost while following this program? Herbal Perfect Slender promotes normal function of ________________? Where do you find the outline for 6-2-1-1?  How much Superfood should a person consume daily? Coconut butter and avocados promote metabolism of ______________________? What amount of water should be consumed in the winter versus in the […]

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I am Looking Forward to Continuing This Program to Keep Improving My Health.

I am Looking Forward to Continuing This Program to Keep Improving My Health.

I was in pain 90% of my day, if not, moving from swelling and inflammation. I constantly felt frustrated and depressed with how much it limited my life. I had been working on following an anti-inflammatory diet, which helped me manage the pain I was in, but I was almost always in some pain. My pain is way lower. I would say that 90% of […]

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This Experience Has Been Life Changing!

This Experience Has Been Life Changing!

My health was struggling, I had terrible heartburn and indigestion, to the point where I could barely sleep through the night. So many things would trigger the fire in my chest and I could never figure out what was the cause. I also was always bloated and felt run down and exhausted. Fast forward 5 months and now I feel AMAZING! I have not purchased […]

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New Year’s Resolutions & Weight Loss Support

New Year’s Resolutions & Weight Loss Support

Are you seeking to take control of your weight? Do you need a solid plan of what to do or maybe you need a supportive environment to plug into?  Why I believe New Year’s Resolutions usually fail: Join our FREE & Private Weight Loss Group: Click Here

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What is Nutritional Kinesiology?

What is Nutritional Kinesiology?

Welcome to Nutritional Kinesiology   Most of our new clients have been referred to us by other satisfied clients. You yourself probably heard about us from someone who is very happy with their results. However you heard about us, you need to know about “Nutritional Kinesiology”. What is Nutritional Kinesiology?   Nutritional Kinesiology is very precise and scientific.  However, if I were to evaluate you using […]

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