Death Begins in the Colon

Death Begins in the Colon

DEATH BEGINS IN THE COLON Join us LIVE every Wednesday on our Facebook page by clicking here at 12:00 p.m. MST as we discuss different topics: Subscribe to the Podcast by Clicking here Important Discussion of Alimentary Toxemia Before the Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain Recently, the subject of alimentary toxemia was discussed in London before the Royal Society of Medicine by fifty-seven […]

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Suffering from pain & discomfort?

Suffering from pain & discomfort?

HP RELIEVE This natural herbal formula is designed to promote normal function for folks suffering from different types of pain and discomfort. We have people dealing with all types of issues like headaches, joint and arthritic type concerns.  It always best to identify the cause but in the meantime non-invasive herbal relief can be very beneficial.  

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Dan and Becca discuss the Keto diet:   Please join us on Facebook every Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. as we broadcast LIVE and discuss a new topic every week! We wanted to share some of the resources we discussed in this episode: Please watch the TED Talk from Dom D’Agostino as he discusses KETO  click here  We also believe our pets should live a GRAIN […]

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Self Examination for Fungus

SELF EXAMINATION FOR FUNGUS The following method of self-examination for systemic fungus, a tremendous breakthrough in detecting precursors that can lead to cancer 2 years before a tumor is formed:  Take the first morning urine in a clear plastic cup, (not Styrofoam).  Cover it with one layer of toilet paper and place it in a dark place.  In the evening set the cup in your […]

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I was sluggish & in a fog….

I was sluggish & in a fog….

I was tired all the time and felt like I was sluggish and in a fog. You could go as far as saying I was depressed. Since April, I have been more clearer and awake. I have more energy and just have an overall better attitude about life. I’m amazed at the difference I feel when I get up in the morning. -LS

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RECIPE ALERT: Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Soup

RECIPE ALERT: Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Soup

Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Soup INGREDIENTS 6 carrots diced 1 large onion diced 4 cloves garlic minced 1 yellow pepper chopped 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 3 cups red lentils 4 cups chicken broth 2-3/4 cups water 1-1/2 teaspoons salt 1 lemon zest and juice 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary chopped INSTRUCTIONS In a six quart slow cooker, add all ingredients EXCEPT lemon zest and juice and rosemary. […]

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Concerns related to Nutritional Deficiencies

We greatly underestimate the impact foods we eat can have on us.  The following is only a partial list of the concerns that are related to Nutritional Deficiencies: The good news is that we can make a very positive impact on our health by making simple adjustments to our diet. -Allergies -Ankle Swelling -Arthritis -Back Pain -Blood Pressure -Bronchial Concerns -Poor Circulation -Colitis -Spastic Colon […]

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I have had headaches for about 10+ years….

I have had headaches for about 10+ years; in the last year or 2 they have gotten so bad I can’t function daily. I go to my doctor weekly, I see a neurologist biweekly, and I also go to a chiro and get massages. I have tried more pills from the doctors than I can count, I’ve had scans of every kind and I’ve tried […]

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Did you hear about the upcoming Book Study?

Did you hear about the upcoming Book Study?

Dr. Dan Young, Board Certified Naturopath here at Country Doctor Nutritional Center recently released a new book, “Country Doctor Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System 18 Steps to Achieve Optimum Health.” This book was a re-write of his father Dr. Samuel Young’s original book and is co-authored with Dr. Samuel Young. This easy to follow, step by step guide educates readers by providing […]

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I was amazed that applying sesame seed oil to my scars would make such a difference…

I came to the Country Doctor a few months ago for Insomnia, sudden weight gain. A few months into my program, (following the suggestions of the Doctor) I began to notice changes. My digestion is so much better, I have energy all day long, (with no help from caffeine or sugar,) I’m sleeping so much better, headaches are few and far between, and I was […]

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