Anxiety, Migraines & Hair Loss

Anxiety, Migraines & Hair Loss

I started with Dan back in May of 2017. I began seeing him with complaints of migraines and severe anxiety. I complied with my program and was feeling much better with a few short weeks. I continued seeing him until October 2017. I felt he had given me the tools I needed to keep the migraines and anxiety away so I stopped going to my […]

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I have not had a migraine since my first appointment!

Before coming to the Country Doctor, I had frequent migraine headaches, as often as once a week. I was so debilitated that I was unable to care for my two small children. I was tired, irritable, and frustrated that I could not get well. The list of foods that gave me headaches continued to grow, as did my desperation for help. I have not had […]

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