290 to 267 in six weeks!

290 to 267 in six weeks!

My health prior to coming to the Country Doctor was terrible! I was 290 pounds, I was depressed, and almost everyday I felt bloated with no energy. Plus, I had a terrible diet. Since coming to Country Doctor I am now 267 pounds, depression is something I don’t struggle with as much. I have more energy, my diet is good, and sleeping is consistent and […]

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Chapter 11: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 11: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

There are six different, non-invasive ways to evaluate a person’s health status (mentioned in this book), what are they? Iridology evaluates what body part to pinpoint and evaluate causes of ill health? Our eyes are an extension of what organ? a. Our entire health quotient can be read through the analysis of your eyes, identifying what three types of weaknesses __________________? b.These weaknesses can have […]

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Chapter 10: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 10: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 10 How many potential sources of toxins can we be exposed to in basic foods? What three effects associated with too much caffeine might you identify with? Caffeine and other caffeine stimulants raise havoc with ________________? What thrives when the pH environment of the body is too acidic? What is one of the best written books on the subject of pH balancing in the […]

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I Just Feel Overall Better!

I Just Feel Overall Better!

My health prior to coming to Country Doctor was not too bad I think. However since starting at Country Doctor I just feel overall better! -Carmen M.

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Chapter 9 Book Study: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 9 Book Study: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 9 Who Said “All food is your medicine, and the best food is the best medicine?” What does 6-2-1-1 stand for? What should the vegetables consist of? Think colors of the __________________? Is there measurable nutrition in iceberg lettuce? The best type of lettuce to use in salads is referred to as….? What type of fruit should you avoid? Enzymes are destroyed when food […]

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I Just Feel Great Overall!

I Just Feel Great Overall!

Prior to coming to Country Doctor I simply just needed improvement! I was tired a lot and I also had ulcerative colitis. Since starting at Country Doctor I am off all my medications and I just feel great overall! -Layton C.

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Book Study Chapter 8: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Book Study Chapter 8: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 8 What jobs does the large intestine perform? Migraine headaches can be caused by what area of the large intestine not functioning properly? Headaches caused by _________ are not caused by a poorly functioning large intestine? What’s a normal response to a headache? When we treat symptoms, we still have what to deal with__________? Over the Counter NSAIDS tend to_________ which creates___________? Why are […]

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Chapter 7: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 7: Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System

Chapter 7 What are the 11 basics? What three things must happen to attain and maintain good health & Where do we get these from? Dr. Jensen said what regarding what we eat? Meal time should be what type of occasion? Where does digestion begin? Food should be what state or consistency before you swallow it? Drinking liquids with meals does ___________________ in your stomach […]

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No More Dizziness!

No More Dizziness!

Before Country Doctor, I experienced a lot of belching and bloating on a daily basis. Occasionally I had very nasty smelling gas. There were also times of dizziness and headaches. Now I have very little gas or bloating. Almost no belching or passing gas. No headaches for weeks, and no more dizziness! -Linda G.

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I feel Good All Day!

I feel Good All Day!

My health prior to seeing the Country Doctor was not good. I was constantly fatigued no matter how much sleep I got or how little. I didn’t have the extra energy for my kids, house work, and forget about working out. I had stomach problems with food sensitivities, bloating, and gas regularly. I was having heart burn every night. I also suffered from migraines and […]

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