I Was Giving Up.

I Was Giving Up.

I was giving up. I was in too much pain and felt sick all the time. Since coming here I don’t feel sick to my stomach. With the Bee Pollen, pain that I’ve had in my legs for twenty years is now gone. -Diana S.

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I am Looking Forward to Continuing This Program to Keep Improving My Health.

I am Looking Forward to Continuing This Program to Keep Improving My Health.

I was in pain 90% of my day, if not, moving from swelling and inflammation. I constantly felt frustrated and depressed with how much it limited my life. I had been working on following an anti-inflammatory diet, which helped me manage the pain I was in, but I was almost always in some pain. My pain is way lower. I would say that 90% of […]

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Suffering from pain & discomfort?

Suffering from pain & discomfort?

HP RELIEVE This natural herbal formula is designed to promote normal function for folks suffering from different types of pain and discomfort. We have people dealing with all types of issues like headaches, joint and arthritic type concerns.  It always best to identify the cause but in the meantime non-invasive herbal relief can be very beneficial.  

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Where to start??

Where to start??

Where to start?? Country doctor has changed my life! I have rheumatoid arthritis; it is greatly improved. Menopause, far fewer hot flashes, anxiety attacks etc, and I’ve lost 15 of the 30lbs related to it!! The yeast imbalance that has caused all sorts of problems including a rash I’ve had for 10yrs! Is GONE!! I went to doctors, tried to figure it out myself..its gone […]

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Concerns related to Nutritional Deficiencies

We greatly underestimate the impact foods we eat can have on us.  The following is only a partial list of the concerns that are related to Nutritional Deficiencies: The good news is that we can make a very positive impact on our health by making simple adjustments to our diet. -Allergies -Ankle Swelling -Arthritis -Back Pain -Blood Pressure -Bronchial Concerns -Poor Circulation -Colitis -Spastic Colon […]

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“Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains*

“Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains*

“Nightshades” Food to Avoid for Anyone with Chronic Pains* Potatoes: The common potato sources include baked, mashed, scalloped, chips, fries, knishes, pierogis, plus potato water in breads, biscuits, matzo, soups and stews and vodka. Beware that potato is also included in these ingredients: hydrolyzed vegetable protein, modified vegetable protein (MVP), or modified food starch hidden in packaged meats, cold cuts and seafood’s and other processed […]

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