I Have No Mental Fogginess!

I Have No Mental Fogginess!

My health prior to Country Doctor was full of mental fogginess, it was a real issue. I had low energy, inflamed joints, and poor sleep. Overall just a feeling of bring unwell. Since Country Doctor I have no mental fogginess — took about a week and it lifted. I’m sleeping better, joint pain is much improved, my energy is up and I’m feeling well! -Peggy […]

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Stiff Muscles & Joints?

Stiff Muscles & Joints?

Derma Calm ‘Tis the Season for increased activities and fun in the sun. With increased activity comes increased stress, strain even stiffness of muscles and joints. If you find that over exertion has effected your joints, ligaments and muscles, try Derma Calm for promoting normal function so you can get back to summer fun! We recommend this product if you have a nutritional deficiency that […]

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